Read 100 Books in 10 Minutes

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
"Your mind deceives you more than it serves you."

Man’s Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
"Suffering is irrelevant to purpose."

The Power of Habit (Charles Duhigg)
"You are what you repeatedly do."

The Social Animal (Elliot Aronson)
"You are a reflection of your social bonds."

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert Cialdini)
"Control is ceded to those who understand your triggers."

The Paradox of Choice (Barry Schwartz)
"More options lead to less satisfaction."

Drive (Daniel H. Pink)
"Autonomy, mastery, and purpose override reward."

Thinking in Bets (Annie Duke)
"Uncertainty defines the quality of your decisions."

Grit (Angela Duckworth)
"Talent is irrelevant without perseverance."

The Righteous Mind (Jonathan Haidt)
"Morality is emotion masquerading as reason."

Mindset (Carol Dweck)
"Belief in growth surpasses inherent ability."

Predictably Irrational (Dan Ariely)
"Your decisions are never as rational as you think."

Atomic Habits (James Clear)
"Small habits compound into significant change."

Quiet (Susan Cain)
"Introversion is an overlooked form of strength."

The Tipping Point (Malcolm Gladwell)
"Small shifts trigger large-scale effects."

Blink (Malcolm Gladwell)
"Snap judgments can be more accurate than analysis."

Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell)
"Context creates extraordinary success."

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (Mark Manson)
"Selective indifference defines your priorities."

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
"Effectiveness is built on principles, not tactics."

Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
"Fulfillment is found in focused immersion."

Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
"Mastering emotions is more critical than mastering intellect."

The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel van der Kolk)
"Trauma resides in the body, not just the mind."

Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari)
"Human progress is built on shared myths."

Nudge (Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein)
"Choice architecture shapes human behavior."

The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz)
"Integrity and perception define your experience."

12 Rules for Life (Jordan B. Peterson)
"Order must be balanced with chaos."

Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
"You’re poor at predicting your own happiness."

The Confidence Code (Katty Kay & Claire Shipman)
"Confidence is built through action, not belief."

Switch (Chip Heath & Dan Heath)
"Change succeeds when logic and emotion align."

Made to Stick (Chip Heath & Dan Heath)
"Ideas survive through simplicity, surprise, and connection."

Daring Greatly (Brené Brown)
"Vulnerability is a source of strength, not weakness."

Radical Candor (Kim Scott)
"Directness and care define effective leadership."

The War of Art (Steven Pressfield)
"Resistance is the enemy of creativity."

Antifragile (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
"Strength grows through exposure to disorder."

Fooled by Randomness (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
"We mistake luck for skill more than we realize."

Skin in the Game (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
"Risk must be shared to be understood."

The Art of Thinking Clearly (Rolf Dobelli)
"Your mind is riddled with cognitive biases."

Start with Why (Simon Sinek)
"Purpose precedes success."

Leaders Eat Last (Simon Sinek)
"Trust and sacrifice build effective leadership."

The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle)
"The present moment is all that exists."

The Untethered Soul (Michael A. Singer)
"Freedom is found in detachment from self."

The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
"Personal destiny is realized through persistence."

The Four Hour Work Week (Tim Ferriss)
"Work less, focus more."

Deep Work (Cal Newport)
"Focused effort yields exceptional results."

Digital Minimalism (Cal Newport)
"Your attention is your most valuable resource."

The Happiness Hypothesis (Jonathan Haidt)
"Happiness is derived from balancing external and internal forces."

Essentialism (Greg McKeown)
"Less, but better."

Range (David Epstein)
"Breadth of experience beats specialization."

The Talent Code (Daniel Coyle)
"Mastery is developed through deliberate practice."

The Ego is the Enemy (Ryan Holiday)
"Ego obstructs progress."

The Obstacle is the Way (Ryan Holiday)
"Adversity creates opportunity."

Perennial Seller (Ryan Holiday)
"Longevity in success is built through craft and endurance."

Can't Hurt Me (David Goggins)
"Mental toughness transcends physical limits."

The 5 Second Rule (Mel Robbins)
"Action begins within five seconds of decision."

Unf*ck Yourself (Gary John Bishop)
"Your thoughts create your outcomes."

Extreme Ownership (Jocko Willink & Leif Babin)
"Leaders are responsible for everything in their world."

Atomic Habits (James Clear)
"Success is built on consistent, incremental improvement."

The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy)
"Small actions multiplied over time yield significant results."

You Are a Badass (Jen Sincero)
"Self-belief defines your limits."

No More Mr. Nice Guy (Robert Glover)
"Authenticity is more valuable than approval."

The Power of Vulnerability (Brené Brown)
"Openness creates connection."

The Confidence Gap (Russ Harris)
"Confidence is built through action, not waiting."

The Motivation Myth (Jeff Haden)
"Motivation follows action, not the other way around."

Outwitting the Devil (Napoleon Hill)
"Fear and indecision paralyze progress."

Mastery (Robert Greene)
"Mastery is the result of years of deliberate practice."

The Laws of Human Nature (Robert Greene)
"Understanding human nature is key to influence."

The Art of Seduction (Robert Greene)
"Power is wielded through allure."

The 48 Laws of Power (Robert Greene)
"Power is a game played through strategic moves."

The 33 Strategies of War (Robert Greene)
"Victory requires strategy and psychological insight."

The Lean Startup (Eric Ries)
"Adaptation beats planning in innovation."

Measure What Matters (John Doerr)
"Success is built on measurable objectives."

Good to Great (Jim Collins)
"Greatness requires discipline and sustained effort."

Built to Last (Jim Collins)
"Enduring success is rooted in core values."

The Innovator’s Dilemma (Clayton Christensen)
"Disruption comes from unlikely competitors."

Crossing the Chasm (Geoffrey Moore)
"Bridging innovation and mainstream adoption is the key to success."

The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Ben Horowitz)
"Leadership is about making tough decisions."

Zero to One (Peter Thiel)
"Innovation creates monopolies."

Principles (Ray Dalio)
"Effective decision-making is built on foundational principles."

Dare to Lead (Brené Brown)
"Courage and vulnerability are the foundations of leadership."

The Fifth Discipline (Peter Senge)
"Learning organizations thrive through systems thinking."

Team of Teams (Stanley McChrystal)
"Adaptability surpasses hierarchy in complex environments."

Radical Focus (Christina Wodtke)
"Clarity of purpose drives success."

Multipliers (Liz Wiseman)
"Great leaders amplify the capabilities of others."

Creativity, Inc. (Ed Catmull)
"Managing risk is the key to creative success."

The Innovator’s Solution (Clayton Christensen)
"Sustaining innovation is different from disruptive innovation."

Delivering Happiness (Tony Hsieh)
"Culture drives company success."

The Art of Possibility (Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander)
"Possibility is limited by mindset, not reality."

Mindfulness in Plain English (Bhante Henepola Gunaratana)
"Awareness defines experience."

Wherever You Go, There You Are (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
"Presence, not place, shapes fulfillment."

The Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod)
"Morning routines shape your success."

The One Thing (Gary Keller)
"Focus on what matters most."

The Power of Full Engagement (Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz)
"Energy, not time, is the key to productivity."

The Slight Edge (Jeff Olson)
"Success is built on small, consistent choices."

The One Minute Manager (Kenneth Blanchard)
"Effective leadership is built on clarity and immediate feedback."

Getting Things Done (David Allen)
"Clarity in organization drives effectiveness."

Essentialism (Greg McKeown)
"Pursue fewer things better."

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Patrick Lencioni)
"Trust and accountability drive team success."

The Lean Startup (Eric Ries)
"Continuous iteration drives success in uncertain environments."

Scrum (Jeff Sutherland)
"Speed and adaptability beat rigid planning."

The Art of Learning (Josh Waitzkin)
"Mastery is about deeper understanding, not broader knowledge."

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)"Your mind deceives you more than it serves you." Man’s Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)"Suffering...

Leverage is as much about where you are standing as how much force you are applying.

If you are building something, it is far more useful to focus on the work you are doing to produce the result than the result itself.

The constraint we apply to package our idea determines their reach & resonance. "Make 1 decision to eliminate 1,000 decisions."

Labor is generally a more interchangeable resource than vision.

To help understand this idea, consider the contrast between the two concepts ancient Greeks used to think about time.

It should be relatively simple to identify when we aren't accumulating net new experience, but in practice, it doesn't seem to be.